The organs of Paris
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Sainte Elizabeth (1853)

Parisian organs built by Suret

Saint-Germain-de-Charonne (1850) Eglise Protestante Unie de Montparnasse-Plaisance ( 1850) Sainte-Élisabeth (1853) Chapelle de l’Hôpital Lariboisière (1855) Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles Orgue de choeur (1855) Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Belleville Orgue de choeur (1859)
Marie Antoine Louis Suret (1807-1876) was a Parisian organ builder in het first half of the 19th century. He is mentioned as early as 1827 as an organbuilder. He worked a few years as a foreman for the Daublaine and Callinet firm and started his own company in 1838. His instruments won several prizes, e.g. at the world exposition of 1855 for the organ of Ste Elisabeth, built with his son Marie François Auguste (born in Paris in 1831). The Suret company worked on approximately 50 instruments (construction as well as restoration), primarely in the Parisian region. The most remarkable instruments of Suret are: Saint-Basile (Étampes, 1849, III/24) Sainte-Élisabeth-de- Hungary (Paris, 1853, III/39) Basilica of Argenteuil (Argenteuil, 1867, III/31). Reference: Christophe d'Alessandro. « SURET, facteur de grandes orgues d'église, et d'orgues d'accompagnement pour les chœurs. » L'Orgue Francophone, 16: p. 38-63, 1999. FFAO (Fédération Francophone des Amis de l'Orgue).
Organs of Paris


ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt ALL ORGANS
Marie Antoine Louis Suret (1807-1876) was a Parisian organ builder in het first half of the 19th century. He is mentioned as early as 1827 as an organbuilder. He worked a few years as a foreman for the Daublaine and Callinet firm and started his own company in 1838. His instruments won several prizes, e.g. at the world exposition of 1855 for the organ of Ste Elisabeth, built with his son Marie François Auguste (born in Paris in 1831). The Suret company worked on approximately 50 instruments (construction as well as restoration), primarely in the Parisian region. The most remarkable instruments of Suret are: Saint-Basile (Étampes, 1849, III/24) Sainte-Élisabeth-de- Hungary (Paris, 1853, III/39) Basilica of Argenteuil (Argenteuil, 1867, III/31). Reference: Christophe d'Alessandro. « SURET, facteur de grandes orgues d'église, et d'orgues d'accompagnement pour les chœurs. » L'Orgue Francophone, 16: p. 38-63, 1999. FFAO (Fédération Francophone des Amis de l'Orgue).
Sainte Elizabeth (1853)

Parisian organs built by Suret

Saint-Germain-de-Charonne (1850) Eglise Protestante Unie de Montparnasse-Plaisance ( 1850) Sainte-Élisabeth (1853) Chapelle de l’Hôpital Lariboisière (1855) Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles Orgue de choeur (1855) Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Belleville Orgue de choeur (1859)